according to Article 13 of Law Decree dated June 30, 2003, number 196 and European Regulation 679/2016

Ownership regarding handling of personal data
SESA S.R.L. with office in  Jerago con Orago (Italy) 21040, Via Pilatello 4/B has Ownership of Personal Data Handling. You can request any information about data handling at the following e-mail address:

Objectives of data handling and its modalities
SESA S.R.L. wants to inform you that the data of your company are collected for the objectives and with the modalities indicated below:

  • Taking charge of the request
  • Further contact with the user to develop a commercial offer

Handling by papers/informatics instruments do not require the use of automatic decisional process.

Legal basis
Handling is due to the reception of a request from the user and the existence of an appropriate relationship between the user and the data handling owner because the user needs to be recontacted.

Data supply 
Data are supplied voluntarily, but are necessary to reach the aim above described and the lack of information will not allow the fulfillment of the requirements.

Communication of data and sharing
Data insert voluntarily in this form will not be shared with other individuals, nor moved abroad.

Storage time 
Data will be used for the length of time which is necessary to execute the above-described objectives and according to provisions of law and for a maximum time of one year.

Rights of the parties involved
You have the right to: ask the handler to access your personal data and to change or cancel them as well as limit/opposite the handling of your data. To exercise this right the user or party involved may contact directly the Data Handling Owner at the email address:
Moreover, the Data Handling Owner will stop the handling at any time in case the permission is withdrawn, where the permission is the legal basis of the handling.

Claim at the control authority
The user has the right to purpose a claim at the control authority in case the request of information at the owner did not receive satisfying answers.
The authority to whom you can address is The Italian Data Protection Authority